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Top 20 Queen Songs - The Authoritative List

People of the Internet: I hear they released a crappy Queen biopic with a sanitized plot, so instead of talking about a movie I'm not going to see, here's my authoritative list of the top 20 Queen songs, in descending order.

20. Flick of the Wrist - This is a good song
19. Good Company - It's good, and has a life lesson!
18. All Dead - It's good, and sad.
17. Another One Bites the Dust - It's good...if...well, it's good.
16. We Will Rock You/ We are the Champions - They're good, but I'm only counting them as one. Bonus points for the added irony that the once biggest bro rock anthems were really gay anthems. See also: Sacha Baron Cohen as Bruno's "gay TV" sketch on the Ali G show. Also ironic, Sacha Baron Cohen left the Queen biopic because he wanted to make a really raunchy movie with Stephen Frears and the surviving members of Queen didn't. Bad job, Brian May + Roger Taylor
15. It's Late - It's good, and not too late.
14. Somebody to Love - It's really good, but over played.
13. '39 - Good melancholy sci-fi thanks to good doctor of astrophysics and bad movie producer Brian May.
12. You're My Best Friend - Awww
11. Under Pressure - So overplayed I used to hate it, but it's a really good song. I had to wait for David Bowie to die to be able to hear it again. Listen to the isolated vocal tracks from both Freddie Mercury and Bowie and have your mind blown. 
10. Seven Seas of Rhye (off Queen II) Great proggy cheese-mythology rock. Don't blame Queen for all the crappy music that tried to imitate this stuff
9. Fat Bottomed Girl - Problematic great song. Bonus points for bicycle bell-ringing.
8. Now I'm Here - Think I'll stay...with this song...around...
7. Don't Stop Me Now - I think this song is hot. That's why I call it Mr. Fahrenheit
6. Crazy Little Thing Called Love - It's crazy how good this song is.
5. Stone Cold Crazy - It's stone cold crazy how good this song is.
4. Brighton Rock - Brian May is God, and not a nativist like Clapton
3. Killer Queen - This is the best Queen song
2. Tie Your Mother Down - This is the best Queen song
1. Bohemian Rhapsody - Look, I didn't really want to put this song first, but whaddya gonna do? This is the best Queen song.

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