Entries in Dumb Lists (33)


List of Best Rashomon Movies


Top Rashomon movies:

1. Rashomon
2. Rashomon
3. Rashomon
4. Rashomon


Best Movies Featuring Snow

People of the Internet. Best movies featuring snow:

  1. Fargo
  2. The Shining
  3. The Great Silence
  4. Runaway Train
  5. Insomnia (Sweden)
  6. Let The Right One In (Sweden)
  7. The Thing
  8. Where Eagles Dare 


Definitive Ranking of Wes Anderson movies: UPDATED

People of the Internet: Isle of Dogs is a movie that is stunning to look at, but without much soul (for a movie about dogs!) Also, the American exchange student storyline needs to be cut. 50% better movie without the Greta Gerwig Character. UPDATE: I just saw the French Dispatch. I enjoyed it. Anderson's use of meticulous detail in every frame means there's always something interesting going on, even if the thread connecting the pieces of this anthology film is unclear. I think by deeply diving into small, intensely crafted vignettes Anderson aims to illuminate something larger about humanity; restating the argument for his overarching methodology since Rushmore. He may not always be successful, but his films are usually entertaining, and never boring.  Here is the definitive list of Wes Anderson movies from best to worst:

1. The Royal Tenenbaums
2. Rushmore
3. Asteroid City
4. Grand Budapest Hotel
5. Fantastic Mister Fox
6. Bottle Rocket
7. The French Dispatch

7.5 (american express commercials)
8. Life Aquatic
9. Moonrise Kingdom
10. Isle of Dogs
11. Darjeeling Limited


Top 10 Sci-Fi Movies: The Undisputed List

People of the Internet! I've been thinking about the movie Annihilation a lot recently. A great movie about troubled humans dealing with a very believable alien? troubling situation. It needs to go on the updated list of top 10 sci-fi movies. Also, I moved Solaris in front of Zardoz and BSG...I don't know what I was thinking there.

1. 2001
2. Blade Runner (You know, one of the director's cuts)
3. Moon

4. Solaris (Tarkovsky)
5. Zardoz
6. 2003 Battlestar Galactica Pilot
7. On the Silver Globe
8. Annihilation!
9. Dark City
10. Matrix
Honorable Mention: Primer, Ex Machina, Flesh Fair sequence of AI


Worst States to Drive Through (NE Division)

People of the Internet, I just spent the last three days on the road. Worst states to drive through (East Coast Division) 
3. Delaware: Positives - short. Negatives - ridiculous tolls to fleece motorists going somewhere else. The Delaware Turnpike is only 11 miles long! Sometimes I cut through Newark and throw trash out the window on the University lawn just for spite.

2.New Jersey: Everyone knows the NJ turnpike, but what about the "Garden State?" Positives - Not as bad as Connecticut. Elizabeth doesn't smell like ass anymore. Negatives - Elizabeth still looks like ass. You still can't pump your own gas in 2018. Bill Parcells reverse mortgage billboards. The Vince Lombardi rest stop is pretty much the waiting room from Beetlejuice.

1. Connecticut: So bad the Hartford interchange was used on the cover of OK Computer to represent the sterility and isolation of our dystopian technological future. Positives - sometimes you can see cool helicopters at the Sikorsky plant. Negatives - literally everything else, especially anywhere near Hartford. They shut down lanes on I-84 in the middle of the night out of spite. Look, I'm only on the Merritt Parkway to get to New York City ASAP, don't try to make me go 50 mph.